Suhoor5:53 am -45
Fajr6:38 am 15.0°Fast today is 8 hrs 44 min long
Sunrise8:49 am
Dhuhr12:06 pm +0
Asr1:12 pm x1
Maghrib3:22 pm +0Ended 40 min ago
Isha5:34 pm 15.0°Started 40 min agoTime ends at 11:01 pm
Qiyam11:01 pm ½ sfStarts in 4 hrs 47 min
Tahajjud1:33 am ⅔ sf
Suhoor5:54 am -45
How to add prayer times to Google Calendar using the above URL
Prayer Webcal
World Prayer Times Alarm Notification Subscription Calendar
- Prayer calendars can be downloaded or subscribed to as an iCal feed and imported to your iPhone, Apple, Google Calendar, MS Outlook, or Apple Mac calendars